Monday, June 20, 2011

Hayden Graduates from Pre-School

I can NOT believe that my little boy has graduated from pre-school. I honestly can't think about it too much or it makes me cry. I am not ready for him to start big school yet. Just not ready!!
As of now, we have him registered to attend 5 year old Kindergarten at the same school he attended pre-school. A small, private kindergarten we think is ideal, and I like the fact that it doesn't quite feel like big school :) We are still trying to sell our house, so on the seemingly off chance that occurs anytime soon, we will most likely have to pull him from private kindergarten and put him in public school where we move, which we have -officially- decided will be Trussville. Whenever the time is right. (Right, God?)

Here are just a few pictures from his graduation. Curtis likes to mess with the camera settings, and I completely forgot he had done that when it came time to snap him hugging his teacher. So the pics aren't great, but they will still help serve as a memory of this sweet event:

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