Monday, June 14, 2010

Hayden turns.... FOUR!

Yes four. Four years old. How is that possible? Everyone always said "It goes by so fast..." , but you really just don't get it until you live it. So his 4th birthday was April 10th, and we had his party a week later at Pump-it-Up (or as Hayden calls it, "The Jumpy Place.") We joked that we would fork over the $300 party fee to have his party there if Curtis was able to find another job by then, and we were THRILLED to be able to uphold our part of the deal and write that check. We missed our friends and family that couldn't make it, but had a great time celebrating with all that came out! Hayden got to jump with Ansley, Ella, Hannah, Abby Pate, Joseph, Landon and Will... and of course his aunts, uncles and grand-parents!

Yes, its a character cake. Seriously, who have I become?

I don't know who had more fun... the kids or the adults??

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